Age: 1.
Role: Pacifier-sucking youngest Simpson child.
Monetary value: (according to supermarket scanner) $847.63.
Only true enemy: Gerald, the baby with one eyebrow.
Dexterity: Low. Falls over often.
First word: "Daddy."
Extracurricular: Untied Bart and Lisa after they were bound by notorious Babysitter Bandit. Knows what a credenza is. Can spell out "E=MC2" with her toy blocks and scribble "MAGGIE SIMPSON" on her Etch-A-Sketch. Occasionally drinks from the dog dish. Banked Homer on head with a mallet and atacked him with a pencil, imitating cartoon violence. Possibly saved her father's life by catching a beer bottle flying at his head. End a baby rebellion at the Ayn Rand School for Tots. Shot Charles Montgomery Burns.